Food Assistance and Public Benefits
Food Assistance:
Visit these websites and search by your zip code for food banks and free meals in your area:
Feeding America:
Meals on Wheels:
Why Hunger:
The C19 Help Squad has created a list of resources where you can go to get free meals and unemployment assistance:
The Food Research Action Center has published information on eligibility for the Pandemic Electron Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) which provides nutritional resources to families who have lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to school closures. Many states have already approved P-EBT programs. You can find out if you are eligible by visiting their website at:
Public Benefits:
The new rules about public benefits affecting immigrant families can be confusing. Here are some resources that will help you understand which benefits you can still receive regardless of your immigration status.
The National Immigration Law Center has information for Immigrant families about how to receive: 1) Health Care, 2) Cash Assistance, 3) Food Assistance and 4) Unemployment Insurance:
The Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Campaign has published useful guidance on housing, public benefits, food assistance and healthcare. Translations are available in: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Haitian, Hindi, Hmong, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese:
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State created a new set of policies that impact individuals applying for an immigration status on or after February 24, 2020. For more information, visit:
State Resources: California, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington
New York Residents:
The Empire Justice Center has prepared resource guides on topics covering: 1) Evictions, 2) Immigration, 3) Child Care and 4) Stimulus Payment. This information can be found at:
They also have a set up help line that you can call for unemployment assistance: 1-800-724-0490 x5827.
LawHelpNY and the Brooklyn Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project have set up a COVID-19 resource page with information on unemployment assistance, domestic violence and other social services. This information can be found at:
Health Care: Most New Yorkers eligible for Medicaid can enroll without concern for public charge. Get the facts on your immigration situation by calling LegalHealth: 1-212-659-6188 or visit:
Translations are available in several languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Urdu, and more:
California Residents:
Immigration and Public Benefits:
This resource guide explains immigrant eligibility for public benefits, including medicare, housing, food assistance, and more. For more information, visit the websites below:
This is a list of nonprofit organizations that can provide assistance in helping immigrants understand your eligibility for public benefits under the new rules:
DLAC has many resource guides on legal issues that may have arisen due to COVID-19, including: public Benefits, financial support, housing, immigration, small business. Some of their guides are also available in Spanish. For more information, visit:
Open Door Legal has published many free legal resource guides, including on employment, immigration, utility shut-offs, stimulus checks, and more. For more information, visit:
Food Assistance:
Go to the site to see if your county offers food, housing, job training, after-school programs and much more:
For information about CalFresh food benefits, visit:
For information about food benefits for children “Pandemic – EBT Benefits”, visit:
Workers’ Rights and Unemployment Assistance:
Workers’ Rights: This is a great guide about workers’ rights and explains what you can do if you have lost your job, had your pay reduced, and a number of other issues related to employment:
Take this free class to learn about unemployment insurance, including new legislation passed in response to the COVID-19 crisis, as well as disability insurance, disability leave and sick leave:
County Resources:
Contra Costa County Residents: The Contra Costa County Crisis Center has created a list of COVID-19 resources covering housing, food assistance, legal aid, health care, financial services, and more. For more information, visit:
Alameda County Residents: The County of Alameda County Crisis Center has created a list of COVID-19 resources covering housing, food assistance, health care, and more. For more information, visit:
Massachusetts Residents:
The Health Care For All coalition has published a list of nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to support immigrants and provides information regarding public service benefits starting on page 3:
Pennsylvania Residents:
The PHLP has put together a fact sheet to help individuals understand their right to receive medical assistance during this crisis: PHLP has also set up a helpline that you can call for updates on federal and state policies affecting medical assistance eligibility: 1-800-274-3258 or email or visit their website at:
Washington State Residents:
General Resources:
2-1-1 — You can call 2-1-1 from any phone to be connected to a list of statewide resources for everything from food and diapers to rental assistance and bus fare. You can also search their online database.
Legal Assistance:
Eastside Legal Assistance Program - Offering phone consultations with attorneys
Northwest Immigrants Rights Project - Offering phone consultations with attorneys